Answers to O4

Questions and answers about
Stabilized oxygen

FAQ – Frequently asked questions

Stabilized Oxygen:

Pure and rich in oxygen

Pure: O4 Stabilized Oxygen consists only of high-quality, food-safe ingredients:
Pure water (3-fold distilled), bioavailable oxygen (350,000 ppm / 35%), traces of sea salt (0.5%)

Rich: O4 uses a unique, patented process that binds natural oxygen O2 to O2 and thus stabilizes it. This enables a high concentrate with 350,000 ppm of food-grade oxygen.

The statements refer only to the application outside the EU.

Within the EU, O4 is currently not to be used as a food supplement because of the issue to be clarified (whether electrolysis is a novel process in the EU
– Novel Food Regulation)
not to be used as a food supplement.

Call for information:
0049 – 941 – 3996707

Mondays-Fridays: 9.00 am – 3.00 pm

(Central European Time)

Stabilisierter Sauerstoff zur Herstellung von hochdosiertem Sauerstoff-Wasser
Why can supplemental oxygen be valuable for my health?

Why is oxygen so important to a healthy body?

Oxygen plays a powerful and primary role in our overall health and well-being. All metabolic processes in the body are regulated by oxygen, and 80% of all our metabolic energy production is created by oxygen! The human body is largely composed of oxygen, so it’s no wonder that scientists are now discovering how low levels of oxygen can disrupt the body’s ability to function correctly.

Sufficient oxygen helps the body in its ability to rebuild itself and maintain a strong and healthy immune system. Even our abilities to think, feel and act require oxygen-related energy production. Oxygen also plays a vital role in proper metabolic functions, blood circulation, digestion, the assimilation of nutrients, and the elimination of cellular and metabolic wastes. The oxygen concentration in a healthy human body is approximately three times that of air.

We all know how important water, vitamins, minerals and water are to our health and vitality. Although we can actually exist without food for about 40 days, and water for about seven days… without oxygen, life ceases to exist in only minutes.

Don’t we get enough oxygen just from breathing?


Pollution is everywhere. As toxins contaminate the air they replace oxygen. The earth’s air used to contain almost 50% oxygen.

Today, atmospheric oxygen levels average about 20% and plunge as low as 10% in some industrial cities like Tokyo and Beijing.

Additional factors further reduce bioavailable oxygen in the blood stream, including: stress, viruses and infections, medications, drugs and alcohol, lack of exercise, highly processed foods and polluted water.

What is Stabilized Oxygen?

Generally, the definition implies the presence of a molecule containing diatomic oxygen (O2), which is typically bonded to other atoms forming a negatively charged group of atoms called an ion. Most of the stabilized oxygen solutions that were sold in the 1980s and 90s contained chlorine dioxide (or “chlorite”) molecules where two oxygen atoms were bonded to a single chlorine molecule (ClO2-). This solution is extremely alkaline (pH 12 or more) and is very caustic. O4 Stabilized Oxygen, on the other hand, is a cluster of four oxygen atoms in a very stable grouping called polyatomic tetraoxygen.

Are there different forms of oxygen?

even with different stability!
The term “half-life” is used to describe an atom or molecule that is undergoing exponential decay. It is constant over the lifetime of the decaying entity. Described differently, the term „half-life“ refers to any period of time in which a a molecule or atom falls by half of its “life” even if the decay is not exponential.

Monoatomic Oxygen:
O1 is monatomic oxygen is also called “atomic oxygen” or “nascent oxygen”. It is a very powerful oxidizer. It is only found in the exosphere (aka. outer space), where radiation keeps it from bonding with anything it can come into contact with. The single atoms of monoatomic oxygen tend to quickly bond with nearby molecules. On the Earth’s surface it does not exist naturally for very long.

The common allotrope of elemental oxygen on Earth is called “dioxygen” or “diatomic oxygen”. The chemical symbol is “O2”. This is the form that is used by complex forms of life, such as animals, in cellular respiration and is the form that is a major part of the Earth’s atmosphere. This molecule is stable and has an indefinite half-life. (The natural oxygen we breathe is actually a mixture of three stable isotopes: oxygen-16 comprising 99.759 percent, oxygen-17 comprising 0.037 percent, and oxygen-18 comprising 0.204 percent. these isotopes have half-lives no longer than about 124 seconds).

Singlet Oxygen:
Singlet oxygen is (1O2). It is a highly reactive molecule that exhibits a half-life time in water of ~3.5 μs.
Singlet oxygen is the common name used for an electronically excited state of molecular oxygen (O2), which is less stable than the normal triplet oxygen (O3). Because of its unusual properties, singlet oxygen can persist for over an hour at room temperature.

Trioxygen (O3) is usually known as “ozone” or “diradical triplet oxygen” and is a very reactive allotrope of oxygen that is damaging to lung tissue. Ozone is produced when ultraviolet light or an electric spark passes through air or oxygen. It is a toxic gas that creates free radicals. The half life is approximately 30 minutes. It quickly breaks down to dioxygen (O2) and monoatomic oxygen (O1).

The existence of the metastable molecule tetraoxygen (O4) was confirmed in 2001 . It was proven in 2006 that this molecule, created by pressurizing O2 to 20 GPa, is in fact a rhombohedral O8 cluster. This cluster has the potential to be a much more powerful oxidizer than either O2 or O3.
(Metastable refers to an energy state where a molecule or atom is in equilibrium at a higher than ground state and where this state can change as it interacts with other molecules or atoms.)

Can the stability of O4 Stabilized Oxygen be influenced?

Stability is the tendency of a material to resist change or decomposition (i.e. due to chemical reaction or exposure to light or heat).

O4 Stabilized Oxygen is stable, but can lose its efficacy under certain conditions.

The oxygen molecules in O4 Stabilized Oxygen will become unstable when they come into contact with metal (like a stainless steel spoon) or when combined with organic matter (food).

Therefore, use a plastic spoon when stirring and always take O4 Stabilized Oxygen no less than 30 minutes before or one hour after eating.

Does O4 Stabilized Oxygen contain chlorine dioxide or hydrogen peroxide?


O4 enthält keine Chlordioxid- (ClO2) oder Wasserstoffperoxidmoleküle (H2O2).

Is O4 Stabilized Oxygen a natural product and what are his ingredients?

Yes. O4 Stabilized Oxygen does not contain any artificial ingredients, coloring ingredients, or chemical preservatives.
There are only three ingredients in O4 Stabilized Oxygen: Distilled water, sea salt and polyatomic tetraoxygen molecules.

How does O4 Stabilized Oxygen get into the bloodstream?

Independent research has established that the polyatomic oxygen molecules in O4 Stabilized Oxygen are safely and easily absorbed into the blood stream through capillaries in the mouth (ultra-lingual and sublingual) as well as through the stomach lining.

Don’t you have to be a fish to get oxygen out of water?

First, we are not suggesting that you replace breathing by taking O4 Stabilized Oxygen.

That would be ridiculous.

However, published research, in publications like the Journal of Medical Research and Anesthesia, dating as far back as 1960, demonstrate clearly that oxygen is absorbed through the stomach and intestinal tract and passes into the blood stream.

Why is pH important in an oxygen supplement?

“pH” means the „potential of Hydrogen“ and is the measurement of the hydrogen ion concentration in a solution. The scale runs from „0“ to „14“. The lower the pH value, the higher the ion concentration and vice versa. An “alkaline” solution will have a pH that is between 7 and 14. An „acidic“ solution will have a pH between 0 and 7. Water, the universal solvent, has a neutral pH of 7.

O4 Stabilized Oxygen is slightly alkaline and has a pH of about 7.3. Stabilized Oxygen solutions with a pH below 5.0 and above 9.0 can potentially damage the skin and tissues in the mouth and esophagus.

O4 Stabilized Oxygen is the only nearly neutral and pH balanced oxygen supplement available today.

Is O4 Stabilized Oxygen responsible for free radical damage?

Most free radicals are natural by-products of the body’s normal metabolic activity in producing the energy needed to exist and sustain itself. Breathing is the major contributor of free radicals, yet without breathing—the body dies. Almost all free radicals produced during the energyproduction cycle are reduced to water. Some are used to fight off invading bacteria and viruses. Others—the result of contaminates like smoke, pollution, alcohol, ozone, radiation and highly processed foods—are very damaging to the body.

Natural nutrient antioxidants (vitamins, amino acids and minerals) occurring in the foods we eat are designed to control the production of these deleterious free radicals. It is important to remember that research clearly shows that diatomic oxygen (O2) is essential for a healthy body and that an abundant supply of oxygen helps reduce free radical activity, not increase it!

I’ve never heard of “polyatomic tetraoxygen”.

Are you sure this isn’t something made up just to convince us that O4 Stabilized Oxygen is “different” or “unique”?

No. The existence of polyatomic oxygen is fact of physical chemistry. Isotopes of oxygen differ with regard to the number of neutrons within the atoms (i.e. the composition of subatomic particles in an atom).

Allotropes of oxygen differ with regard to the structure of the oxygen atoms (i.e. how the atoms are arranged). The naturally occurring stable isotopes of oxygen are 16O, 17O, and 18O, with 16O being the most abundant (99.762%). The allotropes of oxygen include: Dioxygen (O2), the form of oxygen that we breathe; Trioxygen (O3), commonly known as ozone; and Tetraoxygen (O4).

The existence of the metastable O4 molecule was confirmed in 2006 and research indicates that this allotrope has the potential to be a much more powerful oxidizer than either O2 or O3.

Is O4 Stabilized Oxygen antimicrobial?


Independent tests have clearly demonstrated that O4 Stabilized Oxygen kills test organisms on contact, even when diluted as much as seven times.

How does O4 Stabilized Oxygen kill microorganisms?

The outer cytoplasmic membranes of unicellular pathogens are composed of lipids, proteins, and lipoproteins. These membranes act as a diffusion barrier for water, ions and nutrients. Research indicates that the membranes are actually a lipid matrix containing randomly distributed globular proteins that penetrate through the lipid bilayer. It is this high lipid content of the cell walls of these pathogenic bacteria that may explain their sensitivity, and eventual destruction, when exposed to oxygen molecules. Oxygen molecules penetrate these cellular envelopes and affect the cytoplasmic integrity as well as disrupt the metabolic activity of these pathogenic organisms.

The oxygen in O4 Stabilized Oxygen breaks down the bacterial cell envelope through the oxidation of the phospholipids and lipoproteins.

In fungi, O4 Stabilized Oxygen oxygen inhibits cell growth at certain stages. With viruses, the O4 Stabilized Oxygen oxygen damages the viral capsid and disrupts the reproductive cycle by disrupting the virus-to-cell contact with peroxidation. The weak enzyme coatings on cells that make them vulnerable to invasion by viruses make them susceptible to oxidation and elimination from the body, which then replaces them with healthy cells.

Sauerstoff gegen Keime
Do you have to dilute O4 Stabilized Oxygen to use it?

O4 Stabilized Oxygen may be taken at full strength or it may be diluted in water. It is effective when taken either way.

Can you mix O4 Stabilized Oxygen with juices or other drinks?


The oxygen molecules in O4 Stabilized Oxygen can become unstable when O4 Stabilized Oxygen is added to any liquid other than water.

Can you take O4 Stabilized Oxygen with other nutritionals or medications?

O4 Stabilized Oxygen should not be taken with other dietary supplements or prescription medications because ingredients in these formulations may destabilize the oxygen molecules in O4 Stabilized Oxygen.
However, O4 Stabilized Oxygen may be taken in addition to these formulations if taken 30 minutes before or an hour after them.

Can you take O4 Stabilized Oxygen with food?

Food can be oxidized and so may destabilize O4 Stabilized Oxygen. O4 Stabilized Oxygen should be taken separately and only with water

Can you take too much O4 Stabilized Oxygen?

O4 Stabilized Oxygen is completely safe to use in any amount.

Does O4 Stabilized Oxygen relieve sunburn and other burn pain?


The oxygen in O4 Stabilized Oxygen has a soothing and calming effect on the skin.

It can help reduce redness and swelling and bring almost instant relief to sunburn or any other first-degree burn.

Does the oxygen in O4 Stabilized Oxygen promote skin health and healing?

Oxygen is a fundamental ingredient in helping to repair damaged skin.
It is essential in creating elastin and collagen, the protein fibers that make up the supporting structure of the dermis.
Oxygen is also a topical biocidal and can help reduce inflammation and redness that may be caused by harmful bacteria.

Can children take O4 Stabilized Oxygen?


We recommend that they take half the adult dose.
O4 Stabilized Oxygen can also be given to infants, pregnant women and nursing mothers without any concern of toxicity.

Can pets/animals take O4 Stabilized Oxygen?


Dosages should be determined by weight.
We suggest the rule of thumb of one drop of O4 Stabilized Oxygen for every five pounds of weight.
O4 Stabilized Oxygen has been used for many years by professional trainers and large animal vets in the horse breeding and racing industry.

Can O4 Stabilized Oxygen be used to helppreserve the quality of water stored for emergency purposes?


We recommend adding .25 ounces of O4 Stabilized Oxygen for every gallon of stored water. Every 60-90 days, add an additional .5 ounces per five gallons to help control microorganisms and algae buildup.
If the temperature of the stored water exceeds 80ºF/27ºC, then additional O4 Stabilized Oxygen should be added every 30 days.

I’m on a reduced sodium diet. Will O4 Stabilized Oxygen affect my dietary restrictions?


One daily recommended dose of O4 Stabilized Oxygen (45 drops), taken in three doses of 15 drops in 8 ounces of water each day, would contain less than 5 mg of sodium.
By comparison, one bowl of a popular rice cereal contains over 300 mg of sodium.