Stabilized oxygen
in its purest form

100% natural – safe food grade
Bioavailable – supports cell function
without chlorite and without chlorine dioxide
very balanced pH-value
350 000 ppm oxygen

O4 (Bio/cell available oxygen):

immediate boost of bioavailable oxygen
promotes energy metabolism
certified as a doping-free preparation
clinically proven to improve recovery after exercise

Stabilisierter Sauerstoff Tropfen

How works
Stabilized oxygen

Benefit – Production – Application

Stabilisierter Sauerstoff Tropfen

FAQ: Questions
and answers

O2 – Chlorine Dioxide – pH Value – ppm – O4 ??

Stabilisierter Sauerstoff Tropfen

Sources of supply:
Europe & worldwide

Therapists – Specialized Trade – Export


Areas of application

for the production of oxygen rich water

Instant boost of bioavailable oxygen

Simply add 25 drops of the oxygen high concentrate to your drinking water.


Areas of application

Instant boost of concentrated bioavailable oxygen

For health support of your vitality

Simply add 25 drops of the oxygen high concentrate to your drinking water.


Areas of application

Instant boost of concentrated bioavailable oxygen

For professional athletes

Simply add 25 drops of the oxygen high concentrate to your drinking water.


Areas of application

Instant boost of concentrated bioavailable oxygen

For older people e.g. with limited movement abilities

Simply add 25 drops of the oxygen high concentrate to your drinking water.


Areas of application

Instant boost of concentrated bioavailable oxygen

For people in big cities, hospitals and airplanes

Simply add 25 drops of the oxygen high concentrate to your drinking water.

Current information

O4 Stabilized Oxygen.
This name, for a better pronunciation, is translated into German as: O4 Stabilisierter Sauerstoff.
Both names / logos are / remain valid and usable as before.

(Sorry, the information below is available in German only)

Sauerstoffwasser-Einahme und Sauerstoff im Blut


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Sauerstoffwasser Informationen

& Entgiftungsmittel

Die positiven Veränderungen der Blutwerte, welche die Forschung in einigen randomisierten Doppelblindstudien herausfand, bestätigen nicht nur die…  [mehr]

Stabilisierter Sauerstoff zur Herstellung von hochdosiertem Sauerstoff-Wasser

medizinische Hintergründe

Sauerstoffwasser: Wie Mess-Ergebnisse belegen, wird ein Teil dieses Sauerstoffs über die Blutgefäße aufgenommen und im Körper verteilt… [mehr]